How Barrie Ontario is Growing the Game
See This: A Barrie Ontario Golf Course Business Community is on the Right Track to Grow the Game
If you care about the future of golf please view and pass this link on to anyone who wants to see golf as a perpetual healthy pastime:
The simple video confirms a statement by my associate, PGA Member, Bill McIntosh, Golf Specialists, Inc., who says, "Lowering prices is a race to the bottom!"
The only area I would adjust is to encourage potential new golfers to get onto the golf course sooner and then teach them how to play better. Get rid of the (old fashioned) PGA method of keeping new golfers off the golf course until the pro says, "You're ready." I'm betting the drop out rate is discouragingly high.
Remember. In 1959 people who had never played golf would rent a set of golf clubs and go out and whack the ball around. If they liked it they would want to learn more. I know because I was there. That's partly how golf grew for 20-years.
I predict that the Barrie Ontario plan will be successful.
BTW: Barrie, Ontario is a city on the west shore of Lake Simcoe just North of Toronto.
Watch the video here: